Please note: Estimated shipping time refers to the time the item is expected to leave the warehouse, not the time it arrives at the final shipping destination. Once the order leaves the warehouse, delivery time will vary depending on the shipping method you selected at checkout and the location of the shipping address. Remote areas with inconvenient transportation may take more time for delivery.
Shipping time 3 days, delivery time 20-30 days
Items purchased with a credit card will not be charged until they are shipped. You may see a temporary charge for items purchased with a debit or bank card immediately after your order is confirmed. This is standard practice to verify the validity of the card and the charge will be canceled when your item is shipped and the full amount is correctly charged.
In-stock items
Most orders for in-stock items will begin shipping immediately after you complete your online purchase. The item will not be shipped until inventory is found, your payment is approved, and the shipping address is verified.
Online-only items
Online-only items are only available for purchase on our website and are not available in our retail stores.